1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Occupational Medicine
jsedmik 19.11.2017




  1. Occupational allergic rhinitis.
    Intoxication with cyanides.
  2. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (chronic form).
    Antidotes for intoxications.
  3. Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis.
    Intoxication with paracetamol, benzodiazepines, morphine, antidepressants (tricyclic, SSRI).
  4. Diseases due to asbestos (non-malignant and malignant).
    Intoxication with ethanol, ethylene glycol and methyl alcohol.
  5. Deterministic effects of ionizing radiation (acute radiation syndrome, dermatitis, cataract, sterility). Acids and alkalis, first aid after ingestion and contamination of the skin and the eyes.
  6. Intoxication with pesticides (organophosphates, carbamates, rodenticides).
    Occupational diseases. Definition, list of occupational diseases, legislation, compensation, socio-legal aspects.
  7. Intoxication with organic solvents (general symptoms, toluene, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, gasoline).
    Occupational preventive care. Preventive examinations of workers performing hazardous jobs.
  8. Intoxications with organic solvents (general symptoms, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform).
    Diseases due to physical overload of extremities.
  9. Intoxication with carbon monoxide.
    Hallucinogens: psychedelics (classical hallucinogens), deliriants, dissociatives. Mechanism, psychological and physiological effects, toxicity, treatment
  10. Endangerment by occupational disease, legislation, socio-legal aspects. Biological exposure tests.
    Intoxication with mushrooms (A. phalloides, A. pantherina, Psilocybe, Cortinarius).
  11. Occupational peripheral neuropathy (toxic - carbon disulfide, methylalcohol; due to overload, due to vibrations).
    Recreational drugs. Sympatomimetic toxidrome. Serotonin syndrome.
  12. Diseases due to vibrations.
    Intoxication with mercury, health risks, prevention.
  13. Intoxication with lead, health risks, prevention.
    Occupational skin diseases (allergic and non-allergic), diagnostics and management.
  14. Acute damage of the airways and lungs due to irritants (chlorine, nitrogen oxides, gasoline, metals).
    Intoxication with methemoglobinizing chemicals.
  15. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (acute form).
    Occupational cancer (chemical, physical, IARC classification).
  16. Occupational asthma.
    Noise-induced hearing loss.
  17. First aid in acute intoxications, indication and contra-indications of charcoal. Material Safety Data sheets. Toxicological information Centre.
    Benign pneumoconiosis - welder´s lung. Metal fume fever.
  18. Silicosis.
    Contamination with radionuclides. Diagnostics, external decontamination of patients, personal protective equipment, treatment.



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